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Google Algorithm Update Tracking Tool

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SERPed’s Google Algorithm Tracker will help you determine when the latest Google algorithm updates occurred, so you can easily figure out if they had an impact on your rankings. Feel free to select a specific country and/or device below. If you see a peak, it means a major update might be taking place. Don’t forget to bookmark this page!

Intermediate Movement Ninja


No Movement

Little Movement Ninja


No Movement

Little Movement Ninja

2 days ago

No Movement

Little Movement Ninja

3 days ago

No Movement

Little Movement Ninja

What Does it Mean?

Little Movement

There is not much activity at the moment. Everything seems to be normal.

Little Movement Ninja
Intermediate Movement

There is a bit of activity right now. Nothing too fancy for now, but there might be more movement in the near future.

Intermediate Movement Ninja
A Lot of Movement

There is some activity at the moment. There is definitely something going on in Google's rankings.

Lot of Movement Ninja
Crazy Movement

There is a lot of activity right now. Rankings are going crazy! A Google algorithm update might be taking place.

Crazy Movement Ninja

History of Google Algorithm Updates

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    From keyword research and backlink analysis to rank tracking and reporting:
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