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Better client management. Less effort. More profit.

100's SEO agencies have found a better way to manage their clients with SERPed Agency.

With our special "SERPed Agency" add-on, you can:

  • Manage all your SEO clients in one place
  • Track all your SEO campaigns in real-time
  • Create beautiful white-label client dashboards
  • Schedule comprehensive white-label SEO reports
  • Find more leads and grow your client list
  • Check social performance (Facebook, Twitter and more)
  • Connect to your favorite tools and platforms

The "SERPed Agency" add-on is available to all plans and unlocks access to all these features!

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Simplified SEO client management

Manage all your SEO clients and monitor all campaigns from one interface.

The Agency add-on allows you to create detailed dashboards for your client projects with a drag-and-drop interface. Dashboards are white-label and customizable to match your brand.

They save you the time of manually preparing, sending reports, and constantly communicating with your clients about their progress.

Client dashboards are a great way of strengthening your client relationships by being transparent and letting clients track their project’s performance at any time.

The Agency add-on is comprehensive, easy-to-use and switching between accounts is seamless, making it a perfect solution for multiple project management.

Empower your clients with on-demand data

Help your clients make the most of their time by not burdening their already busy schedule with unnecessary meetings. Use our intuitive dashboard to empower them with real-time data available on-demand. Show exactly what they want and need to see, when they want to see it. Less work for you, more value for them.

Automated, white-label SEO reports for your clients

Impress your clients with detailed, automatically generated SEO reports. Reports can be scheduled and emailed at the frequency of your choice. Those reports are white-label and fully customizable.

Our robust and easy-to-use report builder generates and schedules reports with the project data you want including keywords, metrics, backlinks, rankings and much more.

Gregory Ortiz "Like most agencies, we used to use many different tools for our clients. Things such as a Rank Tracker, and individual subscriptions to software like Majestic and Ahrefs just to name a few. Thankfully we were invited to be beta testers for SERPed Agency, and we couldn't be happier While using it we were amazed by not only the amazing reports we could have it automatically send to our clients, but the fact that each of our clients had their own individual login so they can check on reports, and rankings in real time without having to ask us. This has saved us more time than I can even calculate, and our team has been able to focus that time on getting even better results, thereby increasing our retention. For anyone else not using SERPed Agency, I just have one question. Why?"

Find more leads and grow your client list

In today's overcrowded SEO services market lead generation and client acquisition can be very hard.

With our lead generation and client acquisition tools you can differentiate yourself and reach new potential clients.

SERPed comes with 4 powerful and effective client acquisition tools that help you grow your business.

Track social performance

Don't waste time switching between tools and accounts. Save hours of work by connecting all your client's accounts to Social Monitor for easy centralized management and reporting.

Social Monitor connects to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest and generates beautiful and meaningful social media performance reports for your clients.

Connect SERPed to your existing tools and platforms

Rather than change the way you work we want to be part of it! That's why we strive to make it easy for you to connect SERPed to all the tools you are already using.

With SERPed you will be able to connect to:

  • Platform.ly
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest

ALL your SEO agency needs… Covered!

You can create as many client dashboards and client accounts as you want, which means all your clients can have access to their own white-label dashboard.

Check Out Our Plans